Genesis 22: 17
In blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore.
Dear Mom and Dad, I strongly recommend listening to the full teaching regarding the interpretation of our theme. The purpose of my blog is not to provide the full Scriptural references already made available by Gavin Porter on YouTube. Most of the content I use will be taken from the series of 10 lessons that he posts on his YouTube channel: God's Vision God's Mission. Please find the link below:
Teaching reference: https://youtu.be/EfPlNov1FAU.
Reading guide for Mom and Dad:
We see that God makes a promise to Abraham, to multiply his descendants like the stars of heavens (meaning the Spiritual children through salvation in Christ) and like the dust/sand on the seashore( the nation of Israel that multiplies in the natural).
God then repeats this promise again to Jacob and Isaac in Gen 26 and Gen 28. He gives the promise of dust to Jacob. God promises Isaac that his descendants will be like the STARS.
Psalm 147:4
He counts the stars and calls them all by Name.
Talk to your children regarding the verses above. If we as believers are the Stars that he promised Abraham then what does Psalm 147:4 mean to us today? God knows our names personally and calls us into Him, towards Love.
Go outside and look at the stars at night. Talk to them about how many stars they see. Is it a multitude or only a few. Does God desire a few Spirit-filled believers or many?
Bake some star cookies and count them, have fun!

Visual Aid:
Our first language is Afrikaans and the images will sometimes contain Afrikaans references. Please feel free to download these images.