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Revealing His Mission and Vision to the little ones


I've been a mom for a while now, mostly just winging it. My son is growing up fast, sometimes I can already see a little man emerging behind his small nine year old frame. He is already avoiding kisses, which breaks me. However I sometimes still get a second hug after bedtime, little gifts to my mom-soul. My fierce, headstrong little one, I can only describe her as a ball of emotional cotton-candy. The one that laughs from her heart. My girl is a big, pink, five-fingers old. Since I became their mom, everything has changed. I'm not me, and I'm still me, and I'm somehow more than I was. I sometimes think that my heart was always meant to come alive when I first touched the little pink lips of my son. Alive to a love bigger than what can be contained, alive to bigger fears than I've ever had to face, alive to a call I've never fully understood. Mostly I'm just tired from everyday stuff, but sometimes I feel that I get little precious gifts, moments, where I can see how their spirits grow. This is why I'm on this journey, walking only by His guiding words. Trying always to hear in the still soft moments. So that I can show them how to also listen.

I'm trying desperately to let the little ones taste of the Holy Spirit. So that they would know where to go when the storms of this world come. But how? I've read prayer journals for kids and the Children's Bible with them. Jumping between the pages because we can never agree on where we were last night and whose turn it is to choose a story. But where do we go from there? How do we give them tools to understand their place in His Story? I'm still learning this myself, I'm starting to see markers revealed throughout the Bible. Markers, themes as you will, that carries the same story over and over again. His Vision and Mission, standing out through every turn of history and connecting verse after verse. These are almost like keys, unlocking the way in which God describes His heart. A linear pathway guiding, revealing. This is me, guiding my children's hearts towards these keys. Trying to lead them to the Rock that is higher than them. Join me in my sloppy attempts, my unforgiving moments, the moments I do fall and need the most precious grace of the Cross. But always my heart follows after Him that my soul loves. I would love to have you walk beside me.



a Scarlet offering:

Exodus 25:8  And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.

Equiping a Royal Priesthood, a generation to rule and multiply.

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