Being washed by the Word of God:
Isaiah 58:11
The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
Where and when is there a drought? When there is no water.
Our soul needs water in drought to be satisfied. Isaiah 58:11 says that the Lord will guide you continually and because of this, your soul will be satisfied. Your soul becomes the garden that is well watered.
Jesus said in John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."
Jesus laid down His life when He died on the Cross. He is the Good shepherd raised from the dead. He is the only One that can take us to the waters of rest.
Psalm 23:2 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul.
The word "restores" means "bring back" in Hebrew. Jesus our good Shepherd shall bring us to the waters. He shall guide my soul. (Isaiah 58:11) The Shepherd that is guiding my soul, is actually the one that causes me to come to the waters. And when I drink those waters, I will be satisfied. Then my soul is going to be like a garden. But a garden that is well watered. Not one that is in drought.
Our Good Shepherd Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life for us on the Cross. He was raised from death and overcame the Last Enemy once and for all. Now He is leading us to waters of rest. We can be like a well-watered garden when we abide IN Him. No more work is needed, no more keeping of the Law. Jesus did it all, once and for all. We can REST in Him.
Spirit and Word - Teach them to use the S(WORD):
I want to start with baby steps: teaching my little one's concepts and a simple language they'll understand:
Revelation 22:1
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
If we are eating from the Tree of Life in the Garden of our soul, then the Tree of Life will be watered by the River of Life.
Let's recap our lesson on the Tree of Life.
Around the dining room table:
This is not a Bible study but rather an informal conversation centered around a specific Scripture or Bible concept. I let the children read one scripture each night because especially during the week our time is very limited. I know that the little seeds we plant will grow in their hearts.
Isaiah 58:11
Isaiah 53 (This is all about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ)
Psalm 23
1 John 2:28 - Jesus will teach you
Revelation 22:1
Conversation starters:
What is the difference between drought and being well-watered? How does a garden look that is well watered? Does a tree bear fruit when it is well watered? Does a tree bear fruit when it is in a place of drought? Draw a picture of a well-watered garden - let's get creative!
Getting to the Core:
(For 10-12-year-olds) Teaching him to use the Blue Letter Bible app. Divan enjoys using the BLB app on his phone to search for specific meanings of words that we read during our time together. I usually highlight two or three words that I want him to search out. He then writes the original meaning of the word on the template below. We put it against our dining room wall where we can refer back to it while we are discussing a specific theme.
He then uses the app to identify other places in scripture where the specific word is used and we read them together during the next few weeks. This teaches us that scripture interprets scripture! He also thinks he is getting additional screen time which is a huge incentive.
Focus Scriptures:
1 Corinthians 15:45 (The word "SOUL" is "psyche' = life)
Genesis 2:7 (The word "SOUL" here is "nepes" = SOUL, LIFE, Living Being)
Leviticus 17:11-13 ("LIFE" is the word for "nepes" = SOUL)
Genesis 9:4 (The Hebrew word (h5315) "Nepes" is the same word for Life = Soul)
Mark 14:34
Isaiah 53:12
Bible study suggestion: The Connection between the word Soul, Life, and Blood in the Old and New Testament
God's alphabet:
(For 7-9-year-olds) Teaching her the language of the Spirit:
Mia is very creative and she has the job of coloring/decorating our Visual aids for our specific theme. Her artwork then goes against the wall. (I usually move them to our bathroom when we start with the next theme in our RP series)
Visual aid:

Make it Fun:
Do some gardening together. Look at the beauty that is found in every detail
Eat an ice cream the color of your favorite flower.
Make your own gifts - plant out some potted plants and give them to someone you love.
Take turns watering the garden in the next few weeks. Let them see how the plants that you've planted react and grow.

Lord Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd and we love you. We want to follow you, the Lamb. May we be a garden satisfied with Your Living Water. Give us Your Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding and lead us into all truth.
Exodus 25:8 And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
Equipping a Royal Priesthood, a generation to rule and multiply.
