Scripture Reference:
Proverbs 29: 18
Where there is no vision, the people perish
Reading Guide for Mom and Dad:
The word perish means death. There is a wide range of differences in the translation of this verse. The word "perish" is translated as cast of restraint (NKJ), to run wild (NLT), made naked (JLT). In the King James translation there is also a footnote that reads: without a vision is a people made naked. These are all valid and correct. Where there is no revelation of vision it leads to DEATH, CASTING OF RESTRAINT, RUNNING WILD, MADE NAKED.
In the book of 1 Samuel we read of the priest Eli, whose vision had grown dim, both physically and spiritually. Vision was lost. God speaks to the young Samuel and pronounces a word of Judgement on the house of Eli. Why? Eli did not restrain his two sons, the priests Hophni and Phinehas. They were suppose to represent God to the people but instead they were running wild, not following in God's way. Hophni and Phinehas were suppose to offer the sacrifice for the people to be forgiven but instead they were causing Israel to sin.
In those days there was a battle between the Philistines and the Israelites. The Israelite army sent for the Ark of the Covenant in Shiloh. 1 Sam 4:3 says "Let us fetch the Ark of the covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh unto us, that when it comes among us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies." The people chose to put their trust in a piece of furniture and not in God, not in hearing His Voice.
The Ark of the Covenant was brought to the battlefield accompanied by Hophni and Phinehas but the Israelites lost the battle. 1 Sam 4:10 says thirty thousand footmen were slaughtered in the battle. Hophni and Phinehas also dies and the Ark of the Covenant is taken by the Phlistines. Upon hearing the news Eli falls backwards on his chair and dies. Phinehas's pregnant wife goes into labor upon hearing the news of his death and gives birth to a son. She names the son, Ikabod just before she too dies. The name Ikabod means: THE GLORY IS GONE. Where there is no vision the people perish.
God had a Vision, a Plan and Purpose since before the foundation of the world were laid.(Rom 16:26; 1 Cor 2:6)
In Gen 3 Adam and Eve realized that they were naked. This happened right after they ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Breath of God (the Glory of God) was covering them before, as they were walking in Relationship with God and hearing His Voice. But in that moment they were made naked, they were stripped of God's Glory. THE GLORY WAS GONE. As they ate of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil they lost the ability to see God's Vision. Where there is no Vision the people perish. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil surely leads to death.
We need to guide our children towards God's unchanging Plan and Purpose: His Vision for them. Having a clear understanding of God's Vision will help them to walk in God's way.
Conversation Starters with the little ones:
What does it mean to have vision? When you run a race do you look towards the finish or do you look backwards/to the side? When we want to see what Mom is baking, do we look through the oven door or do we close our eyes? Do you think you can find your way to your room blindfolded? Let's give it a try!
Teach them to Rule and Multiply:
Have some fun! We play a game called "Darkroom". It is very similar to hide-and go-seek. One of us stand outside the door and slowly counts to thirty before he/she goes in to find the rest. The others hide inside the room and puts of the light. Talk to your children after the game about what the challenges are to finding someone hiding in the dark. Would it be easier to find someone if the lights were turned on?
Kettle Prayer Suggestion:
Father God I give You all praise and glory. Your ways are so high above our ways! Thank you for Your unwavering plan and purpose - Your Vision. Please reveal this to my children as they walk in relationship with You Holy Spirit. Amen
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