Royal Priesthood - From Glory to Glory
Reading guide for Mom and Dad:
In Genesis 1: 27 God created man "in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".
What makes man to be in the image of God? The word for breath in Hebrew is linked to the word for Spirit. God breathed His Spirit into man, making man into His likeness.
God made man to be in relationship with Him and to be an expression of God's character. God made man to have dominion over creation and to multiply so that all of creation can see what God is like. This was God's original plan, since the beginning, even before sin entered the world:
A multitude of spirit-filled believers in His Image, ruling with Him over all of creation.
This is the mystery of the Kingdom.
1. A multitude of spirit-filled believers
2. In His Image
3. Ruling with Him over all creation
In the next 10 lessons we will look at being created in God's Image. How does God describe Himself?
In Exodus 33:18 Moses asked the Lord to show him His glory. He wanted to see God's glory. God answered him in verse 19 and said: I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you.
Exodus 34:6 "And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin..."
God revealed His characteristics to Moses by proclaiming His Name:
God is Love, Peace, Truth, Goodness, Mercy, Gracious, Just. This characteristics of God is the GLORY of God that Moses asked to see.
In 1 John 4:12 we read: "No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us."
God's plan and purpose is for Spirit-filled believers in His Image, radiating His Love and Glory(who He is) to the world. How can we do this? When we walk in close relationship with God, His love will overflow through us. We can radiate the image or glory of God to the rest of creation.
Conversation Starters with the Little ones:
Have a look at this video with your children.
What is mercy? How do we practice mercy in our relationships? How and in what situations can we show mercy to those around us? Can you remember when someone showed you mercy? How did this make you feel?
Bible Study for the next two weeks:
Let your older children read these verses over the next few weeks during your family devotions. The little ones can choose one verse to memorize if they are up for the challenge! What does the Bible reveal to us regarding Mercy?
James 2:13
Matthew 5:7
Luke 6:36
Psalm 51:1
Matthew 18:33
Romans 9:16
Jude 1:2
1 Peter 2:10
John 8

Teach them to Rule and Multiply
I am a grade 00 teacher and I have a class full of creative little ones. I've never seen so many crowns and rainbows in my life! If you leave them with a table full of art supplies someone will always end up with a crown on their head. Recently one of the boys in my class made a crown for every single one of his classmates. He worked into the late hours of the night to get every unique crown just right. I just adore this!
You are welcome to download this worksheet with a printable crown for your little one to decorate. She (or he) will most probably walk around with it on their head for the remainder of the day. Enjoy your little prince/princess!
Kettle Prayer Suggestion:
Lord Jesus, please crown my children with Your Glory. May they radiate who You are to the rest of the world. Thank you for Your love, may we be grounded in Love. Amen