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Lesson 3: Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Writer: AnkiaAnkia

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 12:33

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.

Reading Guide for Mom and Dad:

In Matthew 12 Jesus is talking about conforming to a mindset - the Mindset of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden they carried with them the seed of this tree. They now had knowledge of right and wrong and out of this mindset they could make rules and laws to live by. They were independent from God. The fruit of this mindset are lies, strife, self-centeredness, and death. Man became led by the flesh(law) instead of by the Voice God. Instead of walking in relationship with the Most High they became proud. Knowledge puffs up, Love builds up. Man however still had a need to connect with God but instead of resting in a relationship with God they started to strive towards connection, trying to reach up to heaven by their own self effort. This mindset is the seed of every Secular and Animistic worldview we have on earth today. Religion has always been based on man's own effort to reach up towards God, however Jesus came from heaven down to earth. He is reaching out in grace and love towards mankind.

We see many pictures of this mindset in the Bible. In Genesis 4 we see that God accepts Abel's offering but rejects the offering of Cain. Abel is looking after his flock, sitting in the shade maybe playing on an instrument, singing praises to God. Cain worked hard, a tiller of the ground, striving to produce his offering of grain. Here we see a picture of the mindset of Relationship set against the mindset of Religion/self/works. One is resting in God's presence the other striving up through self effort. The first is accepted by God and the latter rejected. Even though the offering looks good, it is not acceptable. Like the false prophets Jesus spoke about in Matthew 7:15. They looked like sheep but they were indeed ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing. Religion looks good but it is the opposite of Relationship.

Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.

Out of the Mindset of Life comes good fruit, out of a Mindset of Death comes bad fruit.

Conversation Starters with the little ones:

Our family has a dog named Roomys. She is enjoying the extra attention as we are still in lockdown where we live. To her it is heaven on earth with all her humans right by her side the whole day. The children had fun teaching her to sit. She learnt to place her paw in Mia's hand whenever she wants a treat. Talk to your children about relationships we have with pets. Do we want them to obey us because they love us? Or do we want them to obey us out of fear for punishment? It is wonderful to love a pet and be around them when they love us back! In this relationship we find trust and joy. Our pets don't need to work for our love. We love them just because of who they are. In the same way we don't need to work for God's love. It is not by our own self effort but by the finished work of the Cross that our relationship is restored with God.

Teach them to Rule and Multiply:

Let's make a card or drawing of our favorite things. It can be anything, for example a pet, our family, baby dolls or remote control cars. Ask your children why they chose the specific item/person. Give them your undivided attention and listen to their hearts. Now ask them to write a note on the back of their drawing, you can help your little ones with this. Kind words or maybe a prayer. Put it in a friend's window on your way past their house on your morning walk, or inside their postbox. Send it to a loved one, maybe Grandma or Grandpa. When we share God's love we bring joy to others.

Kettle Prayer Suggestion:

Holy Spirit, I ask you to show my children the joy and peace of living in relationship with You. Father give them rest in You. I declare that you are a good Father. I give praise and honor to You Lord Jesus. In You it is Finished. Amen.

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