Scripture Reference:
2 Cor 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
* note: the content of the following teaching is not my own, it is taken from excellent teaching by Gavin Porter from a series called God's Vision God's Mission. You can access the full teaching on YouTube by following this link: It is finished!
Reading Guide for Mom and Dad:
When Jesus went to the cross He became poor so that through His poverty we can be rich.
Where did He become poor?
When He walked on earth, personally I don't think Jesus was that poor because He had a financial manager. Judas was managing the purse. A poor man doesn't really have a financial manager that manages his finances. They gambled over His clothes so it must have been worth something. When the kings came to honor Jesus when He was little they brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh. When you honor a King you don't bring a little bit of gold.
Personally, I don't think Jesus had lack and I don't think that Joseph and Mary would've spent all the gold before Jesus was old enough to receive it. I think Jesus had enough resources, but He was stripped of everything when He went to the Cross. He had nothing on the Cross. In Jesus's life, He did identify with the poor in many places but He always had a life of adequacy. He didn't have superabundant luxury but we see in Scripture, that Jesus had adequacy, and that Jesus identified with the poor. But going to the Cross, He was stripped of everything. At the Cross He was stripped even of His clothes, He was completely naked when He was crucified. He became completely poor and lost everything, and through His poverty (The Finished Work of the Cross) we can be rich.
When it says rich it doesn't mean that we should be going around with superabundant luxury all for ourselves. True prosperity is to know the Unlimited Source. True prosperity is to be in relationship with the Unlimited Source. His supply flows through us to those in need.
When Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish, He didn't arrive there with a truckload of fish. He multiplied the bread and the fish because He knew the Unlimited Source, His Father.
Lack/poverty was completely dealt with at the Cross!
Conversation Starters with the little ones:
How can God's provision flow through us to others?
How can we use our resources to bless others?
Everything we have is from God, the Unlimited Source. This is our Daddy who loves us and cares for us.
Think about things like your talents, the revelation that the Holy Spirit gave you, your allowance or your time. How can we use what we already have to show God's heart to someone close to us?
Help the little ones to get creative: make a card for someone, bake cookies and give them to loved ones, use your time and energy to bless someone.
Mia's friend offered to walk their neighbours dog every day during the lockdown. What a practical way of blessing someone with your time!
Teach them to Rule and Multiply:
Make it practical. Encourage your children to spend their money. I know this sounds crazy but bear with me.
My son is very diligent when it comes to saving his allowance. He feels very proud of this. He was shocked when I introduced the idea of using his resources on someone other than himself. I explained the idea of letting God's grace and provision flow through him, rather than heaping it up for himself.
My son warmed up to the idea slowly but to my surprise he offered to buy the whole family icecream and waffles a few days later. With a smile on his face!
Something in his understanding around money shifted a little bit. My heart almost bursted with joy! I could see that a seed was planted and how I long for this to grow in his precious heart. May the Holy Spirit water the seed and may it grow into maturity as we journey with Jesus.

Kettle Prayer suggestions:
Lord Jesus, change our hearts and renew our understanding. May the inheritance that You made available for Your Bride, at the Cross, flow in my children's lives to the nations. Amen
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