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Lesson 2: Tree of Life

Writer: AnkiaAnkia

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 7:17

Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.

Reading Guide for Mom and Dad:

In Matthew 7 Jesus talks about two mindsets: The mindset of the Tree of Life and the mindset of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. The mindset of the Tree of Life is one where we walk in total dependence on God. We hear His Voice, we are lead by His Holy Spirit. This mindset is one of RELATIONSHIP with God. This is where we find our security. In God's Grace we find our lives at rest. In Christ we live, move and have our being. Jesus taught His disciples to pray saying: "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" Matthew 6:10. This is the Kingdom Jesus talked about when He said that the Kingdom of God has come near to you.

Talk to your children about what a relationship looks like. In a relationship of love we can talk with each other, we trust each other and there is truth without fear.

The purpose of my blog is not to provide the full Scriptural references already made available by Gavin Porter on YouTube. Most of the content I use will be taken from the series of 10 lessons that he posts on his YouTube channel: God's Vision God's Mission. Please find the link below Lesson The Two Trees:

Teaching Reference:

Conversation Starters with the little ones:

Luke 18:16

But Jesus called them to Him and said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God".

Talk to your children about this verse. Ask them what it means to be loved by Mom and Dad. Ask them what it means to be dependent on Mom and Dad. How do they feel when they are with you, are they resting in our presence or striving for approval? No, we love them because of who they are not because of what they do for us. They can just be in our home, they are loved.

Teach them to Rule and Multiply:

We are in lockdown at the moment where we live and we have a lot of time to play. I want to encourage you to have fun with your little ones. Play hide-and-seek or a board game. We enjoy Pictionary, what a laugh! During your game point out to them that people who love each other spend time together.

Kettle Prayer Suggestion:

Lord Jesus please reveal to my little ones the mindset of the Tree of Life. Give them rest in relationship with You. Draw them into You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Visual aid - you are welcome to download this visual aid for your own personal use:



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